Join us on Friday, November 6th, from 6 - 8pm for an opening reception at the studio. We will be showing the work of two women who have been with the studio since its early years.


Elizabeth Mayor began her art practice as a sculptor, so woodcut printmaking was a natural progression when she moved from 3-D to 2-D art making. She says that woodcut "appeals to my strong sense of touch and three dimensions. It is also very process oriented [and] I was trained in it by a very talented person." Lili, as she is known, uses dremels and other power tools as well as traditional woodcut knives to construct her plates. She often uses chine colle to add color to areas of her traditionally black and white prints. She also folds or collages her prints and often sews into her prints, linking elements of the image by hand and moving a two-dimensional image into the third dimension.

Lois Beatty moved from painting, to pulp paper painting at the renowned Rugg Road Studios, to what seemed "like a natural progression into monoprinting" and monotype. Lois has never been interested in producing editioned print work, but is drawn to creating unique prints where color, texture and layering play a central role. She often combines a number of collagraph plates with drypoint on plexiglass or metal plates. She says that she is "drawn to the fluidity and spontaneity of the monoprint. My imagery is seen to fall on the abstract side of whatever that line is, but it is always informed by reality: landscape, still life, and botanical or human forms."

Lois and Lili's new work will hang in the studio for the month of November. Lois will be teaching a monotype workshop at the studio on November 7 & 8. Both artists will be at the opening reception to talk about their work and processes. There will be live music and refreshments. We hope to see you there!